Strengthening the foundations for the effectiveness of public organizations
IOM held a round table entitled "Financial sustainability as a factor in the successful activities of public organizations.”
International Organization for Migration in Turkmenistan (IOM) in partnership with the Eurasia Foundation (EF), within the framework of the Social Innovation in Central Asia (SICA) program, and with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), held a round table entitled "Financial sustainability as a factor in the successful activities of public organizations” in Ashgabat with the participation of 32 representatives from public and state organizations of Turkmenistan.
Public organizations and associations, the Mejlis, the Ministry of Justice, the Institute of State, Law and Democracy, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Economy and Finance discussed issues of favorable conditions that contribute to strengthening the potential of public organizations. During the discussion, the acceptable sources and mechanisms for maintaining the financial stability of public organizations and for the activities were considered. The experts from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan shared their countries' experience in financing social projects from various sources, including a state social order and social entrepreneurship.

The participants of the meeting noted that the achievement of financial sustainability of public organizations strengthens the ability of organizations to work within the framework of long-term plan, consistently carry out the missions and manage the development.
Financial sustainability is an integral part of organizational capacity, allowing organizations to be effective in their activities and better meet the needs of their target groups. Diversifying sources of funding, introducing new models, and reducing reliance on donors’ support and build a secure resource base, which in turn provides the required organization’s sustainability.
It was stated that the diversification of financial resources for public organizations can be achieved in various ways, such as improving the legislative framework, considering the mechanisms of social order for the services of public organizations as a successful practice in other countries, also considering the possibility of introducing a system of benefits for certain types of activities, expanding the range of services and carrying out income-generating activities.
In her opening remarks, USAID Country Representative to Turkmenistan Nino Nadiradze noted: “Public organizations are an important part of a society, where people can advocate for personal and public rights and interests. Their existence proves the importance of public opinion and the involvement of citizens in the decision-making process to maintain democracy and to ensure the principles of openness and transparency.”
Azat Atajanov, Head of the IOM Office in Turkmenistan, welcoming the participants, said that “public organizations help the governments of countries to disseminate information about the SDGs and contribute to the implementation of the SDGs through the implementation of socially oriented projects. Civil society institutions, which are public organizations, play a key role in monitoring the implementation of the SDGs, and in many countries, along with the state report on the implementation of the SDGs, public activists prepare their own alternative report. I really hope that our event, which aims to strengthen dialogue and cooperation between the state and public sector, will lay the foundation for long-term strategic processes that make a significant and practical contribution to the development of our Motherland - Turkmenistan.”
Baily Seyilov, a member of the Committee for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms of the Milli Gengesh (Parliament) of Turkmenistan, noted that “the right of citizens to form associations is guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of Turkmenistan. The constitutional right of citizens to create public associations is implemented by the Laws of Turkmenistan “On Public Associations”, which is the legal basis for the creation and organization of the activities of public associations in the country”.
Gulya Choreklieva, chairwoman of the public organization Enme, spoke about the experience of providing social services within the framework of a joint program of several UN agencies. She emphasized that “today, an important issue was discussed for both the public and the state sectors, because the issues of financial sustainability do not stand separately and must be solved jointly. Public organizations alone will not be able to overcome many issues, and particularly in case of financial sustainability need to use the principles of social partnership. This is transparency, validity, and social responsibility. The state supports us, and together we need to think over a mechanism that would work and bring its results.”
Lyalya Berdyklycheva, chief specialist of the Department of Methodology of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Turkmenistan, added that the round table was well organized. In addition, she noted rich content and the opportunity to get acquainted with international experience in ensuring the active work of public associations.
"I was also pleased with the activity of the participants, demonstrated during the discussion of issues in the working groups."