UNODC supports youth leaders of Turkmenistan on effective drug use prevention
28 September 2023
18 September, Ashgabat - UNODC-organized a National Round Table to launch new project “Regional Network of Youth Organizations and Youth Champions of Change in Central Asia for drug-free, healthy, safe and secure societies-Phase-II”. This initiative will be implemented within the framework of UNODC Programme for Central Asia 2022-2025 with financial support from the Government of the Russian Federation.

The main goal of the project is to provide support to further development of the Regional Youth Network, which was established in 2021 during the Phase I of the initiative.
Round Table gathers more than 40 young leaders and representatives of national and international organizations, working on drug use prevention among youth.

Participants were informed on the objectives, outputs and expected results as well as had an opportunity to discuss possible ways of collaboration with successful implementation of the planned project activities.
The Round Table was conducted in partnership with Office of UN Resident Coordinator (UNRCO) and Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Education, Interior Affairs, State Service of Physical Culture and Sport, Youth Organization named of Magtymguly and local Sivil Societies of Turkmenistan.
It is anticipated that following the Round Table, young leaders of Turkmenistan will be empowered to identify issues related to youth problems and will generate youth-driven solutions to create a future free of drugs and crimes. Additionally, the Round Table aims to build a bridge of cooperation of young people with governmental organizations and civil society working in the sphere of drug abuse prevention, and responsible for the well-being of young generations.

Mr. Dmitry Shlapachenko, Head of UNRCO, Mr. Anton Zanin, Senior Counsellor of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Turkmenistan, Mr. Chary Atayev, OiC of the UNODC Programme Office in Turkmenistan and Ms. Ashita Mittal, UNODC Regional Representative to Central Asia welcomed the participants of the National Round Table.
Contact info:
Maral Nazarova, UNODC Communication Focal Point