The third year students of the international public law and international private law major were familiarized core of the Human Rights, its history, principals as well as the Universal declaration of human rights. The series of lectures on the mechanisms of the UN Human Rights protection system, regional systems for the protection of human rights, Gender equality, Child’s rights, international labor law, the right to development and the Sustainable Development Goals, international system for the protection of refugees, citizenship and statelessness are carried from October 11 -20.
The speakers representing OHCHR, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, ILO, UNHCR noted the importance of expanding the knowledge of Turkmen youth on Human Rights concept and it is expected that such lectures will be organized for other universities as well.
“I was very delighted to deliver the lecture on human rights yesterday and happy to acknowledge successful commence of the joint UN initiative. I am sure that such human rights education initiatives will enrich the students’ knowledge and may be a starting point for development of the specialized course on human rights.” – Ryszard Komenda, Regional Representative of the Regional Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights for Central Asia.
Since 2015 the UN has been supporting the development and implementation of five National Action Plans including on Human Rights for 2021-2025, on gender equality for 2021-2025, for children for 2018-2021, on elimination of statelessness 2019-2024, and on combating human trafficking 2019-2021.