Meeting of the Turkmenistan interagency Working Group on the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Legal Migration
21 January 2022
- International Organization for Migration (IOM) - the UN Migration Agency, Mission to Turkmenistan in partnership with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and State Migration Service of Turkmenistan organized a meeting of the Interagency Working Group (IWG) on the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Legal Migration (GCM) via video conferencing.
According to the General Assembly Resolution 73/326, it was decided to organize the first International Migration Review Forum (the Forum) on 10-13 May, 2022 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Forum will be represented by the highest possible political level, including Heads of State of Government. The purpose of this Forum is to discuss the implementation of countries' commitments made under the GCM.
Today, during a working meeting, the participants of GCM interagency working group discussed the key stages of preparation for the Forum, the reporting format, preparation plan at the national level and the necessary assistance from IOM and other UN Agencies in preparation for the Forum. During the meeting, the coordinator of the Working Group - the State Migration Service of Turkmenistan noted the readiness of all members of the working group to participate in the process of preparation for the Forum.