Civil Service Academy of Turkmenistan Marks its 10th Anniversary
12 September 2018
- The scientific conference marked 10th anniversary of the Civil Service Academy under the President of Turkmenistan.
High level representatives of the Government bodies as well as the international partners participated in the scientific conference to mark the 10th anniversary of the Civil Service Academy.
The participants summarized the results of the work of the Academy for this period and discussed its crucial role in the improvement and strengthening the system of governance in the country. Among honourable guests were the Rectors of the Civil Service Academies of Kazakhstan and Belarus, representatives of UN, UNRCCA, OSCE and others.
It was underlined that Academy pays special attention to the international cooperation in order to study international experience, introduce innovative initiatives to improve the learning processes, introduce new courses, use advanced teaching methods through technical assistance, international expertise and the opportunity to learn from other countries' best practices. An important place in this cooperation is the partnership with UN agencies, in particular the United Nations Development Program and the United Nations Population Fund, which began in the early years of the Academy's activities.
“The Academy has been making effective efforts to strengthen the professional knowledge and practical skills of civil servants working in key ministries and departments, as well as local government and local government officials who are responsible for the implementation of national social- economic programs and development strategies” has stressed Ms. Shaheen Nilofer, UN Resident Coordinator a.i.
“The United Nations Development Program within its mandate will continue to provide assistance to the Civil Service Academy of Turkmenistan in improving the management system, thereby contributing to the achievement of the objectives of Goal 16. This goal is key in the entire Agenda 2030, because only with an effective system of public administration, inclusive access to quality services and transparent state institutions can sustainable development be ensured”, stated Ms.Ekaterina Paniklova, UNDP Senior Programme Coordinator.