Press Release

Countrywide cascade trainings on School Safety Assessment, Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change and Pandemic organized by UNICEF

03 March 2021

  • Nearly 360 secondary schools directors and representatives of the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Defense of Turkmenistan participated in a series of hybrid trainings on School Safety Assessment (SSA), Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change conducted by UNICEF from 13 to 25 February 2021 with all velayats. 

The trainings were focused on raising awareness of participants on School Safety Assessment methodology and on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction for ensuring a clean and safe learning environment for children in schools. With the aim of supporting the country preparedness and response to the ongoing global pandemic, the training modules were supplemented with topics on pandemic prevention measures and on issues related to gender in emergencies measures. Trainings encouraged the participants to share their experiences on managing the existing risks and to discuss the relevant mitigation measures in Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction aimed to safeguard the lives of schoolchildren and strengthen their resilience.

“I would like to thank the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan for the long-term and fruitful cooperation in the education sector and for their support to these trainings. They are designed to equip teachers and schoolchildren with the knowledge and skills required to stay safe and healthy in the case of emergencies,” said Christine Weigand, Representative of UNICEF Turkmenistan.

UNICEF continues to work with partners in Turkmenistan to strengthen School Safety Assessments and Disaster Risk Reduction in schools, as well as to effectively integrate Climate Change aspects in these areas. UNICEF has been working and will continue to work with the Ministry of Education on the full integration of the Climate Change, Environment and Energy Curriculum into teaching and learning. UNICEF is working jointly with the rest of the UN agencies to implement the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between the United Nations Country Office in Turkmenistan and the Government of Turkmenistan on coordination in emergency preparedness and response.  

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Children’s Fund

Goals we are supporting through this initiative