Respected reader, kindly welcome the upcoming generation of
There are about 1.8 billion young people in the world today, representing a huge amount of human potential which can serve as an appropriate catalyst in achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
The Youth in Turkmenistan represents around 40 % of our country’s population, who are continuously making achievements in various areas of development and contributing to the realization of the national strategy in the implementation of SDGs.
On August 12 – International community celebrates The International Youth Day. Dedicated to this significant day, Young SDG Ambassadors of Turkmenistan have prepared this article, which discovers and disseminates the achievements of six young people from our country, whose activities somehow has helped to bring the change all-around.
Respected reader, kindly welcome the upcoming generation of CHANGE-MAKERS OF TURKMENISTAN, who have shared their experiences, secrets of success and achievements in order to inspire other young people of our country towards taking small but vital steps in achieving the Global Agenda 2030.

- Focal Point of Y-PEER Turkmenistan Youth Network
Guncha Annageldiyeva is one of the active and talented young people of our country. Currently, she is doing her bachelor’s study in the field of Sociology at the International University for Humanities and Development. Since the age of 10, she has been actively participating at the National and International events hosted by our country. For her contributions youth development, she has received the Youth Award –“Yashlar Bayragy” from the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan, named after Magtymguly. With the team of enthusiastic and proactive students, she has organized the University’s Students Council, where she holds the position of council’s chairperson. Additionally, Guncha has represented Turkmenistan in many international programs, such as the Global Advisory Board Meeting held in Bulgaria and New Silk Way Model United Nations in Kazakhstan.
However, the main achievement of Guncha is her dedicated work within the Y-PEER International Youth Network (with the support of UNFPA and Youth Organization of Turkmenistan) as a focal point in charge.
“Y-PEER is a style of life! Through inclusive and interactive peer education approach, we work in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), gender equality, prevention of HIV/AIDS and healthy lifestyle. Initially, I was just a volunteer, then after 5 years of my intensive work I managed to be a Focal point in charge and this position gave me a chance to organize more activities among youth and represent our national network at a global level”, says Guncha.

- Teacher of French language at school No.10 in Mary city.
Merjen Purjayeva is a young and talented translator, who has graduated from the Turkmen National Institute of Foreign Languages, named after D. Azadi- a French-language philologist. She is a winner of the national competition held among the talented youth of our country “Golden age of Turkmens 2017.”Merjen has been translating stories of French authors into Turkmen since 2011, helping Turkmen readers to be acquainted closely with French literacy and culture. She has translated famous stories of French authors such as Andre Morua, Prosper Merimee and François Petis de La Croix’s novel “1001 days”. Now she is intensively working on the translation of Alexander Duma’s novel “The Count of Monte Cristo.”
“When my first story was published, I received warm compliments that really inspired me to continue my work. Some of my stories were too long, and they were published partly in local magazines. To my surprise, too many readers have been waiting for me to continue with my stories.I think my works bring a lot of benefits to my community and I’m happy to contribute to that,” says Merjen.

IT specialist
- Innovator of the “SapSanaw” census automation project.
Dovlet Otuzov is a computer engineer (master in repairing computers, laptops, printers and other computer peripherals). Dovlet has been working in IT sector since 2008. In addition, Dovlet is a student at the Engineering and Technological University of Turkmenistan named after Oguz Khan. He has completed two specialized courses on: “Programming, computer operating” and “Accountancy, computer operating”. Dovlet also took part in the Sakura Science Exchange Programme in Japan, which is directed to support the development of talented people overseas who have the potential of contributing towards advancements in science and technology.
Dovlet is actively engaged in academic life. At his university, they have own intra-university teams to carry out various activities so that students can show their abilities and thereby help our country in finding the best talents. As a part of this work, one of his project’s called “SapSanaw” census programs was written. “SapSanaw” was specially prepared for the upcoming census of the population and housing fund of Turkmenistan in 2022 in order to simplify the procedure for entering data into the register and their processing. Dovlet developed “SapSanaw” software both for smartphones, tablets and for computers, in order to combine data and analysis in one network for joint registration work.
“During operation, the system will be fully automated. As a result, this will simplify the process of developing reports and maintaining other necessary documentation”, underlines Dovlet.

Social worker
- Communications Associate of “Ýeňme” Public Organization.
Madina Mustafina is one of the proactive young people of our country who has a great desire to provide social support to vulnerable segments of the population. Despite the fact that Madina has completed secondary technical education from a construction college, she decided to work with children, and with those people who find themselves in difficult life situations.
One of the main achievements of Madina is that on one special day she overcame her disability, while others had told her that she would not be able to walk ever again. Due to the fact that she did not give up, she managed to become an active and purposeful girl with a disability, who motivates and leads others to do the same.
She has been participating in many events such as a Study Session on “Inclusion for all through Human Rights Education” organized in Hungary in the year 2017 and School of independent life for girls with disability from Central Asian states held in Kazakhstan also in the same year.
Another great achievement of hers is that she has been working in “Ýeňme” since 2016 as a social worker. She is a liaison person engaged in communicating with visitors and guests of the organization, undertaking event management, attraction of young volunteers and management of public relations. She likes her job very much, indeed within “Ýeňme” she can help other people with disabilities to gain faith in themselves, in their abilities and strengths.
“My life motto is: If not me, then who? I can do everything; I will overcome everything. The main thing is never to lose hope, and everything else is in our hands and there is nobody else but us!” she says.

- Editor of the “” website of the Media-Turkmen News Agency.
Maya Amanmuradova has graduated from the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after D.Azad, with specialization in English language philology. She is a winner of the annual UNFPA media competition for better coverage of reproductive health and gender equality issues in the media “Grand Prix” award, with the material “Family Planning Service in Turkmenistan: taking care of children's health”. Now, she is preparing for the 10th Anniversary of the Central Asian Leadership Programme on Environment for Sustainable Development which will be conducted between September 16-25 in (Almaty, Kazakhstan).
Maya Amanmuradova is well-known as a young journalist in the “” website, which is doing a great job in changing the media-sphere of Turkmenistan. Today, Media-Turkmen is the first private News Agency in Turkmenistan. The motto of the ORIENT is “We are oriented on bringing people closer”, which means that the main aim of Maya, as a young media influencer is to bring people from around the world to be more acquainted with Turkmenistan. Maya is not only an editor of many articles in but she is also a correspondent of this significant website.
She is very passionate about her job and sincerely loves the community where she spends most of her time.
“My team – great young specialists, who do their best every day. I’m proud to work with them and encouraged to know more such enthusiastic people”, says Maya, when she talks about her job.

- Professional weightlifter
Begench Amandurdyyev portrays the image of a strong and goal-oriented person. Despite his disability, Begench started to do weightlifting when he was only 17. In the years 2014 and 2015, he had managed to win bronze medals and in 2016 and 2017, he had won silver medals in the championships of Turkmenistan among people with disabilities.
At the moment, he is preparing for the championship that is going to be held at the end of August in Dashoguz velayat, and he aims to win a golden medal. Begench is a very enthusiastic person. He has big plans for the future such as to participate in the Para-Olympiads abroad.
“Weightlifting became a part of my life. It stimulated me to live. I began to feel special. Now, I can do more than I am expected to do. Nevertheless, there were hindrances too. At times, I had health problems that did not let me train, but I did not give up and I am not going to do so whatsoever in the near future. I encourage my friends to be more active and now some of them have started to spend their time by training and working out,” says Begench.