Strengthening the statistical capacity of Turkmenistan on VNR reporting
27 April 2020
- The webinar on National Indicator Frameworks and Voluntary National Review (VNR) for State Statistics Committee of Turkmenistan was held at UN House and conducted by The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) through videoconference.
The representatives of the Statistics of Canada presented National Indicator Frameworks and the Analysis on Similarities and Differences. The participants of online meeting representing several countries including Austria, Israel, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Moldova and Germany shared their experience on VNR.
Turkmenistan reported on the progress on collecting SDG indicators, the role of the National Statistics Committee and Ministry of Finance and Economy, and the achievements made so far. It was noted that the VNR process revealed that Turkmenistan is in a right direction in realization of SDGs and it will support strengthening Turkmenistan’s position in the efforts of international relations at global and regional levels.
The participants agreed on the next steps in the process of reporting on VNR.