Investigators Learn to Recognize Signs of Human Trafficking
01 May 2017
- A group of over 20 police and migration service officers completed a practical training course on the investigation and prosecution of human trafficking cases.
The training followed a similar seminar for judges and prosecutors held in March and is part of a series of capacity building activities on human trafficking for Turkmenistan’s criminal justice practitioners implemented by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
“The training equipped students with up-to-date knowledge and skills on identification of trafficking in persons, as well as crime scene and physical evidence examination” noted David Newton, an independent expert on trafficking in person working with UNODC to facilitate the training. “Through case studies and role play participants learned about human trafficking case management and practiced their skills to recognize indicators of trafficking and interview victims and witnesses”, Newton added.
To support capacity development on the criminal justice response to trafficking in persons, UNODC has developed an Anti-Human Trafficking Manual for Criminal Justice Practitioners of Turkmenistan.
“Our manual highlights promising practices that criminal justice practitioners can rely on to identify, investigate and prosecute human trafficking cases.” said Koen Marquering, UNODC International Coordinator.
“We call on the Government of Turkmenistan to regularly organize such training and use the manual to guide capacity development of law enforcement officers, prosecutors and judges in line with Turkmenistan’s National Action Plan to combat human trafficking”.
In conjunction with the training, UNODC facilitated a coordination meeting of UN agencies and other international organizations to discuss public awareness raising initiatives for the prevention of human trafficking. Various joint initiatives are planned to celebrate the World Day against Trafficking in Persons (30 July).
UNODC supports Turkmenistan’s efforts to strengthen the criminal justice response to trafficking in persons with funding provided by the US State Department's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.