Press Release

Development Partners Assess Progress on Health Care

11 September 2018

  • The second meeting of the Development Partners Coordination Group brought together representatives from the donor and development community. 

Mr. Tachmurat Seliev, Deputy Minister of Health and Medical Industry made a statement in which he presented overview of implementation of the national healthcare policy, state programs in the area of health, achieved milestones, results of joint UN-Turkmenistan cooperation, surveys and assessments and joint initiatives implemented over the years. He stressed that the cooperation was productive in aligning the programs and practices with international standards.

During the questions and answers session, comments were made in relation to progress achieved in the reduction of child mortality, which is attributed to improving practices, adoption of relevant clinical protocols, promoting breastfeeding as well as with implementation of state programs on iodization of salt and flour fortification.

One of the guest speakers was Ms. Silvia Pietropaolo, Programme Manager, Turkmenistan and Regional Programmes, EU Delegation to Kazakhstan. She informed that EU was implementing four bilateral projects in Turkmenistan which relate to:

  • public finance management reform through cooperation with the Ministry of Finance;
  • reform of public service through cooperation with the Civil Service Academy;
  • agricultural marketing and processing in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Union of Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs, and
  • EBRD aimed at economic diversification and strengthening the private sector; partnership with the Ministry of Education  to improve the secondary and tertiary education and vocational training.

During the meeting, the development partners also shared information within the Thematic Working Groups on forthcoming major events. It became a tradition that UN hosts Development Partners Coordination Group’s twice a year to share information on the ongoing programs and activities and discuss opportunities for joint action.

UN entities involved in this initiative

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Children’s Fund
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
World Health Organization

Goals we are supporting through this initiative