Press Release

Learning the International experience on tracking database in the area of Human Rights

14 December 2020

  • United Nations and Government of Turkmenistan held the workshop to learn the international experience on the development of the national recommendation tracking database in the area of human rights.

The event is a part of a joint Action Plan between UN and the Interdepartmental Commission on the implementation of international human rights obligations.

“The promotion and protection of human rights is also reflected as an integral component of the new Cooperation framework for 2021-2025 and in the Socio-economic response plan in Turkmenistan to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic in the country”, noted Ms. Elena Panova, UN Resident Coordinator in Turkmenistan.

The members of the of Interdepartmental commission as well as representatives of Office of Ombudsmen, UN Agencies reviewed the national mechanisms on development of reports and key functions of tracking database in the area of human rights presented by OHCHR Human Rights Advisors. They have also learnt the international experience in developing the database and its effectiveness.

The development of online database will contribute to the digitalization of monitoring and reporting processes and contribute to the monitoring of the implementation of existing action plans in the field of human rights, the Action Plan for Gender Equality, the Action Plan for the Realization of the Rights of the Child and others, and will also contribute to the implementation of the state Digital Economy concept.

UN entities involved in this initiative

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Goals we are supporting through this initiative