Press Release

Building partnerships to achieve Agenda 2030 in Turkmenistan

26 May 2021

  • The UN in Turkmenistan has convened the first regular meeting in 2021 of the Development Partners Coordination Group that aimed to enhance the collective contribution to the achievement of SDGs in Turkmenistan.

The meeting focused on exploring opportunities for the UN – development partners collaboration to implement the priorities of United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), as well as to define the areas of common interest and ways to expand and operationalize the joint efforts.

The UN Resident Coordinator a.i. in Turkmenistan informed the participants on the overall cooperation priorities aimed at acceleration of the SDGs achievement in the country.

“Since achieving the 2030 Agenda requires unprecedented collaboration and partnerships across sectors and borders, joining forces with development partners from the public and private sectors is an important precondition for success”, noted Ms. Christine Weigand, UN Resident Coordinator a.i.

The Co-Chairs of the five Results Groups from the UN side for the Outcome areas of the new UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for 2021-2025 presented the focus and priorities in the areas of

  • Enhanced governance and rule of law;
  • Sustainable economic diversification;
  • Strengthened environmental management and climate resilience;
  • Quality, inclusive health and social protection;
  • Quality education and skilling.

During the presentation, the UN heads of agencies stressed the need of joining efforts in implementing of the above priority areas by proposing examples of opportunities to enhancing further partnerships.

After the presentation of the UNSDCF Resource Mobilization and Partnership Strategy by the UN Resident Coordinators’ Office, representatives of UK Embassy, GIZ, USAID, and ADB in Turkmenistan in Ashgabat took the floor to present their country programmes priorities that are complementary to the above UN priority areas, and proposed potential areas for further collaboration with the UN and other development partners to ensure coherence and collective support to country’s development agenda.

The Development Partners Coordination Group has been formed to strengthen government’s efforts in improving the impact, effectiveness and coherence of the development cooperation in national planning processes in Turkmenistan through enhanced coordination between the active development partners for development results for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

The objective of the group is to enhance the development partner support to Turkmenistan by promoting effective development cooperation, and strengthening communication and coordination in order to avoid that several development partners invest in parallel projects without being aware of each other’s efforts and to ensure that parallel projects complement each other.

UN entities involved in this initiative

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International Labour Organization
International Organization for Migration
International Trade Centre
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
United Nations Human Settlements Programme
United Nations Development Programme
UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Children’s Fund
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
United Nations Office for Project Services
World Health Organization

Other entities involved in this initiative

German Technical Cooperation
United States Agency for International Development

Goals we are supporting through this initiative