UNDP enhances cooperation with the Government of Turkmenistan in digital transformation
18 March 2022
- Today UNDP Turkmenistan signed the Memorandum of Understanding with “Turkmenaragatnashyk” Agency under the Agency for Transport and Communications of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. The signing ceremony was held at the Building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.
The purpose of the Memorandum is to expand cooperation in the field of digital transformation of public administration, by introducing an electronic data interchange system in Turkmenistan, including the design and development of the system, improving the regulatory legal framework to implement the system of electronic data interchange, introducing international best practices and increasing national potential in the field of digital transformation of public administration.
It is expected that the implementation of MOU will support the realization of the national priorities in the area of digital development outlined in the “Concept for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025” and the” State Program for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025”.
“Today we live in a rapidly changing world where new technologies and innovative solutions play an ever-greater role,” - noted Narine Sahakyan, UNDP Resident Representative in Turkmenistan. “In line with the UNDP and the Government of Turkmenistan Cooperation Plan 2021-2025, special attention will be paid to strengthening the country's digital capacity in statistics, banking, finance, customs, civil registration and other public services to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals".
The MOU will also support the global efforts of UNDP for digital transformation to help countries create a world in which digital is an empowering force for people and the planet in line with the recently launched Digital Strategy 2022-2025, which demonstrates that UNDP will not stand still to stay ahead of the ever-evolving digital reality and secure a digital future for all.