Press Release

UNCT retreat in Turkmenistan: fostering partnerships for development

14 June 2023

The UN Country Team (UNCT) Retreat in Turkmenistan took place in Bukhara from 8-9 June 2023. The retreat served as a crucial platform for high-level representatives from UN agencies to convene and discuss development challenges, opportunities, and priorities. The meeting included a comprehensive review of UN achievements, an exploration of joint UN programs, and a forward-looking discussion on the new UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework.

The retreat witnessed the active participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, Mr. Rashid Meredov, and the Regional Director of the United Nations Development Coordination Office (UNDCO) for Europe and Central Asia, Ms. Gwi Yeop-son. Their involvement added significant value to the discussions, highlighting the mutual commitment to collaboration and the pursuit of sustainable development in Turkmenistan.

“The best way to showcase the success of the UNDS reform, to provide the needed policy support, is joint work. More joint programmes are needed as they create synergies, enhanced results, and help to strengthen inter-sectoral coordination in the country. I am glad to note that the UN Country Team decided to focus on the implementation of Joint Programmes, building on the comparative advantages of UN agencies”, said Ms. Gwi Yeop-son, DCO Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia.

Throughout the retreat, participants engaged in constructive dialogue and explored avenues for developing joint programs in key priority areas of development. The focus was on establishing a country-level SDG pooled fund to streamline resources and enhance coordination among stakeholders. Additionally, the UN's presence in Turkmenistan was discussed, with an emphasis on expanding its footprint to support the country's sustainable development efforts effectively.

The retreat concluded with the formulation of a new plan that charts the way forward for the UN's engagement in Turkmenistan. The plan, developed through extensive consultations and deliberations, will serve as a roadmap for implementing joint programs and initiatives. By aligning efforts, the UN and Turkmenistan aim to address pressing development challenges and leverage opportunities for inclusive and sustainable growth.

The UNCT Retreat in Turkmenistan underscored the strong partnership between the UN agencies, the government, and other key stakeholders. It reaffirmed their commitment to working together in advancing the country's development agenda and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The retreat also served as a platform for fostering innovative ideas, exploring new partnerships, and creating a conducive environment for sustainable development.

UN entities involved in this initiative

International Organization for Migration
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Resident Coordinator Office
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Department of Safety and Security
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations Children’s Fund
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
World Health Organization

Goals we are supporting through this initiative