What's Next to Achieve the SDGs in Turkmenistan
05 July 2017
- UN and the Government of Turkmenistan have held a Round table with participation of the technical experts from the key national entities to introduce the UN approach to Mainstreaming, Acceleration and Policy Support (MAPS) in implementation of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.
UN and the Government of Turkmenistan have held a Round table with participation of the technical experts from the key national entities to introduce the UN approach to Mainstreaming, Acceleration and Policy Support (MAPS) in implementation of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.
This round table discussion took place within the mission of the leading experts from UNDP and UNICEF in preparation to the full-fledge joint MAPS exercise planned for November 2017.
During the round table, the participants became aware of the key elements of MAPS, SDGs tools for mainstreaming and acceleration, including Rapid Integrated Assessment (RIA), as well as familiarized themselves with the experience of countries that had undergone through this process.
The main task of the mission is to lay the foundation for further comprehensive dialogue between the UN and Turkmenistan on the practical implementation of the Agenda 2030, including the identification of priority sectors or so-called accelerators in which the SDG implementation will have a multiplier effect on the achievement of the SDGs in other sectors of development.
The Round table is the first meeting in the series of wide-range and inclusive consultations with the national stakeholders, including the Ministry of Economy and Development, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population, the Ministry of Education and the State Statistics Committee. The UN MAPS mission outcomes will be presented at the high level meeting of the deputy heads of 47 government institutions, academia and civil society to be held on 7 July in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.