RCOЦели устойчивого развития
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mahri.eyeberdiyeva@un.orgYOUTH FORUM FOR PEACE AND TRUST
In order to implement the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 73/338 of September 12, 2019, which proclaimed 2021 as the International Year of Peace and Trust, it is planned to hold special events aimed at mobilizing the international community to develop a culture of peace and trust in relations between states, strengthen political dialogue based on mutual understanding and cooperation, and achieve sustainable peace, solidarity and harmony.
In this regard, in March 2021 the International Youth Forum of Peace and Trust will be convened in a hybrid form with the participation of relevant agencies of the United Nations system, in particular with the UN Children's Fund, UN Population Fund, UNESCO, the Office of the UN Secretary General's Special Envoy for Youth, UN Alliance of Civilizations, National Youth Councils, regional youth organizations and civil society.
The results of this Forum will contribute to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum to be held on 7 and 8 April 2021.
О мероприятии
The Forum aimes at encouraging the United Nations Member States, UN entities, regional and subregional organizations and relevant actors to consider instituting mechanisms to involve youth in the promotion of a culture of peace, tolerance and intercultural and interreligious dialogue and develop, as appropriate, an understanding of respect for human dignity, pluralism and diversity.
In particular, participants will focus on increasing activities on peace education and global citizenship education to enhance an understanding among young people of values such as peace, trust, openness, inclusion and mutual respect, which are essential in developing a culture of peace, as well as providing age-appropriate education in children’s schools that builds a culture of peace and non-violence, including lessons in mutual understanding, respect and tolerance.
The forum will also engage civil society and non-governmental organizations to facilitate a global campaign to raise awareness of youth about the importance of creating a climate of trust between the nations.
During the event, representatives of international organizations, national participants will also present plans to involve young people in the development and strengthening of a culture of peace at the national, regional and global levels, as well as share information on activities to implement the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace, adopted by the General Assembly on 13 September 1999.
As an outcome document of the International Youth Forum of Peace and Trust, the Joint Appeal by participants will be announced.