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BMG-niň düzümleýin edaralary
A: Across
AA: Action Aid
AA: Arcadia Associates
AAK: Agulhas Applied Knowledge
ACAA: Afghanistan and Central Asian Association
ACO: Alliance CIV
ACTED: Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
ADAD: Auto-Development Africa
ADB: Asian Development Bank
AECD: Malawi Association for Early Childhood Development
AIPR: Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities
AKF: Aga Khan Foundation
ANN: Associação dos Amigos da Natureza
APCTT: Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology
APDIM – UN ESCAP: Asian and Pacific Centre for the Development of Disaster Information Management
BelAU: Republican Public Organization Belarusian Association of UNESCO Clubs
BHMCT: BiH Ministry of Communications and Transport
BINUH: United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti
BITC: Business in the Community
BORDA: Bremen Overseas Research & Development Association
BSGG: Bütindünýä saglygy goraýyş guramasy
C: Caritas
CII: Chemonics International Inc.
CMS: Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
DPPA: United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs
EBRD: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
ECAM: Employers Consultative Association of Malawi
EOG: Embassy of Germany
EOSB: Embassy of Sweden
EOUS: Embassy of United States
EU: European Union
F: FHI360
FAO: BMG-niň azyk we oba hojalyk guramasy
GAFSP: Global Agriculture and Food Security Program Fund
GEF: Global Environmental Facility
GEF SGP: Global Environmental Facility - Small Grants Programme
GIZ: German Technical Cooperation
HSI: Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation
IAEA: Atom energiýasy boýunça halkara agentligi
ICAO: Raýat awiasiýasy boýunça halkara guramasy
ICRC: International Committee of the Red Cross
IFAD: Oba hojalygy ösdürmegiň halkara gaznasy
IFC: International Finance Corporation
IFRC: International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
IIG: IntraHealth International
ILANUD: United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders
ILO: Halkara zähmet guramasy
IMF: Halkara Walýüta gaznasy
IMO: Halkara deňiz guramasy
INOPWUD: International Network of People who Use Drugs
INSTRAW: International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women
IOM: Halkara migrasiýa guramasy
ITC: Halkara söwda merkezi
ITU: Telekommunikasiýalaryň halkara birleşigi
IUCN: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
JCC: Joint Coordination Centre
JICA: Japan International Cooperation Agency
KOICA: Korea International Cooperation Agency
LS: La Strada
LUANAR: Malawi Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources
MFA of Armenia: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia
MGIEP: Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development
Ministry of Environment of RA: Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia
Ministry of ES of RA: Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia
MINUJUSTH: United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti
MINUSCA: United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission
MINUSMA: United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali
MINUSTAH: United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
MNG MD: Mongolia Municipality of Danilovgrad
MoDGh: Ministry of Defence - Ghana
MoD of RA: Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia
MoF: Ministry of Finance
MOFA: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
MoFARI: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration – Ghana
MOIGh: Ministry of Information - Ghana
MONUSCO: United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the DR Congo
MSF: Médecins Sans Frontières
MWI ACB: Malawi Anti-Corruption Bureau
NPA: Norwegian People's Aid
NRC: Norwegian Refugee Council
OCHA: Ynsanperwer meseleleri utgaşdyrmak müdirligi
OHCHR: BMG-niň adam hukuklary boýunça Ýokary Komissarynyň müdirligi
OSCE: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
OSESGY: Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen
OSE Syria: Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Syria
PAHO: Pan American Health Organization
PAHO: The Pan American Health Organization
PBF: Peace Building Fund
RCO: United Nations Resident Coordinator Office
RIA: Relief International
SDC: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Sequa: Sequa
UN-Habitat: BMG-niň Ilatly nokatlar boýunça maksatnamasy
UN-OHRLLS: United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States
UN: Birleşen Milletler Guramasy
UNAIDS: AIW ýokanjy/AIDS (alnan immunodefisit sindromy boýunça BMG-niň bilelikdäki maksatnamasy
UNAKRT: United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials
UNAMA: United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
UNAMI: UN Assistance Mission for Iraq
UNCCD: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
UNCITRAL: United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
UNCTAD: BMG-niň Söwda we ösüş boýunça konferensiýasy
UN DESA: BMG-niň ykdysady we sosial soraglary boýunça departamenti
UNDGC: United Nations Department of Global Communications
UNDP: BMG-niň Ösüş maksatnamasy
UNDPI: United Nations Department of Public Information
UNDPO: Department of Peace Operations
UN DPPA: BMG-niň syýasy meseleleri boýunça departamenti
UNDRR: BMG-niň Betbatçylyklaryň howplulyklaryny azaltmak boýunça müdirligi
UNDSS: BMG-niň Türkmenistandaky wekilhanasynyň howpsuzlyk we goraglylyk bölümi
UN ECA: BMG-niň Afrika üçin ykdysady komisiýasy
UNECE: BMG-niň Ýewropa ykdysady komissiýasy
UN ECLAC: BMG-niň Latin Amerika we Karib Basseýni üçin ykdysady komissiýasy
UN ECLAC: United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America
UNEP: BMG-niň Daşky gurşaw boýunça maksatnamasy
UN ESCAP-CSAM: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific/Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization
UN ESCAP: BMG-niň Aziýa we Ýuwaş umman üçin ykdysady we sosial komissiýasy
UNESCO: BMG-niň Bilim, ylym we medeniýet meseleleri boýunça ýöriteleşdirilen guramasy
UN ESCWA: BMG-niň Günbatar Aziýa üçin ykdysady we sosial komissiýasy
UNFCCC: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNFPA: BMG-niň Ilat gaznasy
UN Global Compact: United Nations Global Compact
UNHCR: BMG-niň Bosgunlar baradaky ýokary komissary
UNIC: BMG-niň Maglumatlar merkezi
UNICEF: BMG-niň Çagalar gaznasy
UNICRI: UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
UNIDIR: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
UNIDO: BMG-niň Senagat ösüşi boýunça guramasy
UNIFIL: United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
UNIRMCT: International Residual Mechnaism for Criminal Tribunals
UNITAD: United Nations Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Da’esh/Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
UNITAMS: UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan
UNLIREC: United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean
UNMAS: United Nations Mine Action Service
UNMISS: United Nations Mission in South Sudan
UN Mission: UN Mission
UNOAU: United Nations Office to the African Union
UNOB: United Nations Office in Belgrade
UNOCA: United Nations Office for Central Africa
UNOCT: United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism
UNODA: United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
UNODC: BMG-niň Neşeler we jenaýatçylyk baradaky müdirligi
UNOOSA: UN Office for Outer Space Affairs
UNOPS: BMG-niň Taslamalara hyzmat etmek müdirligi
UN PBSO: BMG-niň Parahatçylygy gurmaga goldaw bermek müdirligi
UNPRPD: The UN Partnership to Promote the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
UNRCCA: United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia
UNRCPD: United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific
UNREC: United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa
UNRoD: United Nations Register of Damage Caused by the Construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
UNRWA: Ýakyn Gündogarda Palestina bosgunlary üçin BMG-niň Goldaw we işleri guramak agentligi
UNSCN: United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition
UNSCO: The Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process
UNSCOL: Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon
UNSDSN: UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network
UNSMIL: United Nations Support Mission in Libya
UNSOM: United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia
UNSOS: United Nations Support Office in Somalia
UN Technology Bank: United Nations Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries
UNTIL: United Nations Technology Innovation Labs
UNTSO: United Nations Truce Supervision Organization
UNU-INRA: United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa
UNU-Macau: United Nations University Institute in Macau
UNU: United Nations University
UNVFD: United Nations Voluntary Fund on Disability
UNVFVT: United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture
UNVMC: United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia
UN Women: BMG-niň gender deňligi we zenanlaryň hukuklaryny we mümkinçiliklerini giňeltmek boýunça edarasy
UNWTO: BMG-niň Bütindünýä syýahatçylyk edarasy
UPEACE: University for Peace
UPU: Bütindünýä poçta bileleşigi
USAID: United States Agency for International Development
WFP: Bütindünýä azyk maksatnamasy
WHH: Welthungerhilfe
WIPO: Intellektual emläk boýunça bütindünýä guramasy
WMO: Bütindünýä metereologiýa guramasy
World Bank: Bütindünýä banky
WTO: World Trade Organisation
WWF: World Wild Fund
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