ROCA OHCHR jointly with UNDP support the Government of Turkmenistan to prepare for the Dialogue with the UN Human Rights Committee
22 fewral 2023
- The Regional Office for Central Asia of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (ROCA OHCHR) and UNDP jointly with the government of Turkmenistan held a methodological workshop to prepare the State delegation for the Dialogue with the UN Human Rights Committee (HRC) at the Institute of State, Law, and Democracy of Turkmenistan.
The workshop gathered members of the state delegation of Turkmenistan who participate in the Constructive Dialogue with the HRC on the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The Constructive Dialogue of Turkmenistan with the HRC is scheduled for 1-2 March 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland. Mr. Gentian Zyberi, a former member of the UN Human Rights Committee (2019-2022), a professor at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, University of Oslo facilitated the technical consultations.
The HRC is the body of independent experts that monitors the implementation by States Parties of their obligations under the ICCPR. The importance of the upcoming Constructive Dialogue of Turkmenistan with the HRC is to provide information on progress made on implementation of the concluding recommendations adopted by the HRC as a result of the Constructive dialogue held in 2017.
More information on the of the UN Human Rights Committee is available on the sessional webpage of the HRC is available at: