Introductory Training on SDG Costing Methodologies for Integrated National Financing Frameworks Implementation in Turkmenistan
29 sentýabr 2023
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan – On 25-26 September 2023, the United Nations Resident Coordinator's Office and UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Bangkok organized an introductory training on SDG Costing Methodologies for the Integrated National Financing Frameworks (INFF) implementation in Turkmenistan. The training took place at the UN building and brought together key stakeholders from Turkmenistan's government agencies, public entities, banks, and UN agencies – members of the Joint UN-Government expert group on SDG Financing.
The training aimed to contribute to capacity development, knowledge exchange, and experience sharing among participants from various sectors. The training was attended by members of the Joint UN-Government expert group on SDG Financing, representatives from various ministries and entities responsible for budget planning and execution.
Participants had the opportunity to gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience during the training, which included a discussion of UNESCO's work on costing SDG 4.2 targets, focusing on equitable access to quality early childhood education, allowed participants to explore realistic and country-contextualized methodologies.
During the event, UN experts from various agencies shared their experiences and participated in brainstorming on the potential use of SDG costing methodologies and principles presented. Some topics presented and discussed at the training:
- Importance of systematic and effective costing and financing model for strategic decision-making for national development by Ms. Chiara Amato, Economic Affairs Officer from Macroeconomic Policy and Financing for Development Division, ESCAP
- Review of SDG costing methodologies by Mr. Suren Poghosyan, UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub
- Budget analysis, cost assessment and financing gap analysis by Ms. Azizakhon Kataeva, Social Policy Specialist, UNICEF Tajikistan
- Development of an operational plan for the introduction of preschool education in Turkmenistan by Mr. Jepbar Bashimov, Early Childhood Development Specialist, UNICEF Turkmenistan
- Approaches and methodologies for developing a computerized simulation model for costing and financing of national development achieving SDGs and Costing methodologies. UNESCO's example of projecting financial requirements to achieve SDG 4 targets by Mr. Nyi Nyi Thaung, Programme Specialist, UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Bangkok.
Participants also engaged in practical group exercise facilitated by Mr. Masaya Noguchi, Education Consultant, UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Bangkok, and in a panel discussion on the possible development of nationally relevant multi-sectoral costing and financing models moderated by Mr. Uladzimir Valetka, RCO Economist.
By the end of the training, participants articulated the basic principles of major SDG costing methodologies, and learned the differences between these methodologies and their applicability in various contexts. They’re now able to apply basic SDG costing techniques in practice.
This training represents a significant step forward in Turkmenistan's commitment to sustainable development, setting the stage for effective implementation of the INFF Financing Strategy in alignment with national development priorities.