IOM presents gender- and age-sensitive assessment of national legal framework on countering human trafficking to national partners
23 noýabr 2023
Ashgabat, 22 November 2023: The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Turkmenistan presented members of the Interdepartmental Working Group on development and implementation ofthe National Action Plan on countering human trafficking with preliminary findings of a gender- and age-sensitive assessment of the relevant national legal framework which was conducted as part of the IOM project “Strengthening the legal framework on trafficking in persons in Turkmenistan to better address the needs of youth and women through a survivor-centered approach” funded by the IOM Development Fund (IDF).

Based on the assessment findings, members of the Interdepartmental Working Group reviewed IOM’s recommendations for improvement of the national legal framework on countering human trafficking in compliance with the international standards and best practices. The recommendations specifically covered the areas relating to criminalization of trafficking in persons and related offenses, investigation and prosecution, victim identification, status and access to support services, as well as prevention of human trafficking through safe migration and socio-economic empowerment of women and youth.
The presentation of recommendations also featured examples of best practices on countering human trafficking from Asia and Europe that focus on survivor-centered approach in identification, referral, prosecution, protection and rehabilitation of trafficking survivors. According to IOM’s international expert Ms. Irina Urumova, who conducted the assessment, “Turkmenistan has key legal provisions in place on countering human trafficking, yet there is still a room for further improvement to ensure that the relevant legal framework is enforceable, which requires strong supporting regulations.”
The presentation participants also reviewed issues relating to interagency cooperation and promoting the greater engagement of civil society stakeholders in combatting human trafficking. The event was a good opportunity to gain valuable insights into the capacity building needs of relevant government agencies and civil society stakeholders that will inform the design of capacity building activities for relevant national partners and stakeholders.
The assessment findings will also inform the ongoing work on development of the new National Action Plan on countering human trafficking with the support of IOM in Turkmenistan.
The International Organization for Migration has been working in Turkmenistan since 1997. IOM is one of the key partners of Turkmenistan in combatting trafficking in persons. Two previous National Action Plans of Turkmenistan on Combatting Trafficking in Persons (2016-2018, 2020- 2022) were developed and implemented with the support of IOM in Turkmenistan.