Durnukly Ösüş Maksatlary
Deňziň Ekologik Ulgamyny gorap saklamak
Durnukly ösüşiň bähbitleri üçin ummanlary, deňizleri we deňiz serişdelerini gorap saklamak we olardan rejeli peýdalanmak
BMG-niň esasy işleri
BMG-niň esasy wezipeleri
BMG-yň toparlary, we ýerlerdäki hyzmatdaşlary
BMG-yň maliýeleşdirmegi
BMG-yň toparlary, we ýerlerdäki hyzmatdaşlary
Bu sanaw Türkmenistan ýerlerde kimlerdigini görkezýär
Ýerine ýetirmek boýunça hyzmatdaşlar
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- United Nations Development Programme
- Barbados Ministry of Environment and National Beautification
- Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
- Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
- University of Goroka-Center for Social Media and Communication
- Grenada Ministry of Climate Resilience, the Environment, Forestry, Fisheries, Disaster Management and Information
- Guyana Ministry of Agriculture
- National Institute of Urban Affairs
- Jamaica Jamaica National Environment and Planning Agency
Maliýeleşdirmek boýunça hyzmatdaşlar
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- International Fund for Agricultural Development
- International Labour Organisation
- United Nations Human Settlement Programme
- United Nations Joint Programme on HIV and AIDS Secretariat
- United Nations Development Programme
- United Nations Environment Programme
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
- United Nations Children's Fund
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Çeşme: UN INFO
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