Mid-Term Review of the UN-Turkmenistan Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework Kicked Off with Consultations
18 sentýabr 2023
From September 4 to 8, 2023, Mr. Rastislav Vrbensky, UN international consultant on the mid-term review of the Cooperation Framework for 2021-2025, undertook a mission to Turkmenistan in support of the UN Country Team (UNCT). The purpose of this mission was to conduct a Mid-Term Review of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for 2021-2025.
To ensure a participatory and consultative approach, Mr. Vrbensky's mission included a series of meetings and consultations with various stakeholders, including UN staff responsible for public relations, human rights, gender equality, and youth, as well as representatives from NGOs and youth, including the SDG Ambassadors and Youth organizations. In addition to these engagements, Mr. Vrbensky met with ministries and departments to discuss the ongoing collaboration and cooperation within the framework.
The primary objective of the Mid-Term Review (MTR) is to assess the progress of the UNSDCF 2021-2025 in the context of evolving national priorities, specifically alignment with the National Program for the Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan for 2022-2052. The specific tasks of the MTR included:
- reviewing the results achieved during the two years of UNSDCF implementation through the lens of the following criteria - relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, coordination and orientation towards impact;
- identifying the key lessons learned;
- proposing additional areas for UN Joint Programmes;
- assessing the progress on and likelihood of mobilizing resources envisaged in the UNSDCF;
- analysing challenges and opportunities and recommending the way forward, including on strengthening the UNSDCF Results Groups, M&E framework, and results reporting.
The review will cover the implementation period 2021 to present at the levels of outcomes and outputs, assessing the contribution from all UN agencies which are part of the UNSDCF and refining the underlining Theory of Change based on the Common Country Analysis updates and MTR findings. The potential adjustments are intended to ensure better alignment with national strategies, government programs, global trends, and to prepare for the rollout of the new UNSDCF.
The Mid-Term Review was endorsed by the Steering Committee of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework in April 2023. The review will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of sustainable development initiatives in Turkmenistan and fostering partnerships between the UN and the country to ensure that no-one is left behind. The United Nations Country Team in Turkmenistan looks forward to sharing the outcomes of the Mid-Term Review with the government and other partners.